An Overview of Burglary in Wisconsin

An Overview of Burglary in Wisconsin

Though many have heard the term “burglary” before, and believe that they have a general idea of what it constitutes, there are multiple, specific definitions of burglary under Wisconsin law. Each of the two types (referred to as “Class F” and “Class E”) are felonies.

A “Class F” felony is punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, imprisonment not to exceed 12 years and six months, or both. According to Wis. Stat. §943.10 subd. (1), a person is guilty of burglary as a “Class F” felony when he or she intentionally enters one of the following places, without the consent of the person in lawful possession, and with intent to steal or commit a felony in such a place:

  1. A building or dwelling;
  2. An enclosed railroad car;
  3. An enclosed portion of any ship or vessel;
  4. A locked enclosed cargo portion of a truck or trailer;
  5. A motor home or other motorized type of home or trailer home, whether or not any person is living in the home; or
  6. A room within any of the above

Conversely, A “Class E” felony is punishable by a fine of an amount not to exceed $50,000, imprisonment not to exceed 15 years, or both. The status of a crime is enhanced to a “Class E” felony in the following circumstances:

  1. The person is armed with a dangerous weapon, device, or container;
  2. The person was unarmed, but arms him/herself with any of the above while still in the burglarized enclosure;
  3. While in the burglarized enclosure, the person opens or attempts to open any depository by use of an explosive;
  4. While the person is in the burglarized enclosure, s/he commits battery upon a person lawfully therein; or
  5. If the burglarized enclosure is a dwelling, boat or motor home, and another person is lawfully present in the dwelling, boat, or motor home at the time of the violation.

Other burglary-related crimes include Entry Into Locked Vehicle (Class A misdemeanor), Possession of Burglarious Tools (Class I felony), and Entry Into Locked Coin Box (Class A misdemeanor). For a more detailed look at burglary in Wisconsin, please visit the corresponding page on our website, at the following link:

As always, If you’re a Minnesota or Wisconsin resident seeking information on how Repka Law can fight for you or your loved ones, contact Repka Law at DANIEL@REPKALAWLLC.COM

(651) 395-7421